Samudra Bharati: Waging an Uphill Battle

Samudra Bharati is a socio-cultural organization that seeks to empower women in Coastal villages, even as we preserve our millennia old cultural practices. We seek to empower the embattled with your support.

Upliftment Through Social Engagement

A Guru is Much more Than a Teacher

GURU is made up of two syllables “GU” and “RU”. GU means darkness and RU means light and so the combination indicates one who...

The netflix nix: Challenges with (mis)representations of Hindu dharma in modern media

The Hindu carries the responsibility of representing the oldest and most diverse religion that is the third largest in the world when it comes to number of followers. Recently, Netflix has faced a lot of criticism for producing shows that singularly target Hindus in a negative manner. But this is not the first time this happened, nor will it be the last. How we deal with misrepresentations of Hindu Dharma in modern media is a challenge for our generation.

Why is our youth Hinduphobic?

There has been a constant rise in the disparaging comments against Hindu gods in India. Unfortunately, its our Hindu youth, who are taking the...

Spice your life – Fight Covid better

What is ORAC ? ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. Higher ORAC, Better will be oxygen carrying capacity of blood & Lungs oxygen capacity....

Mother Sindhu

One day, two women came to a Judge asking for justice. They brought with them a little baby, and both women claimed the child....

I’m a Soldier

I don’t entertain you within or outside the borders I just save you, the Nation and her borders. I don’t dance and sing and...

Eastern Gangas of Odisha- A story of defiance

Odisha gave shelter to the Hindu art and religion that were dispersed due to the vandalism of the Turks in the north. Jagannath Puri emerged as the supreme centre of Hindu religion in India. While the iconoclastic zeal of Islam was wiping out every trace of Hindu architecture from north, the monumental super-structures of the Hindu architectural genius were raised at Puri and Konarak, an act of defiance. In fact, Odisha remained the only major independent Hindu state when all of India fell under sword of Alauddin Khilji.