What is the “Gita”

The Gita is the representative literature of Indic civilization. No other work encompasses in itself, to the extent it is possible, the historical development of the people in philosophy, culture and metaphysics, ethics and literature. The essence of Vedanta connecting the thread of wisdom, its sutra, from the Vedas and the Upanishads weaves the essential fabric of this Ultimate Upanishad. Nor is the Gita solely dedicated to Vedanta only. It synthetises in itself the philosophy of Sankhya, even its atheistic dualistic darshana, integrates the movements of Vaishnava bhakti in its discourse, absorbs the essence of yoga and karma yoga, and builds them into a vast comprehensive experience and vision.

The Twenty Two Different Types of Defeat in A Debate

India and Greece are the only countries in the ancient world which perfected the science of logic. India's Tarka and Nyaya Sastra dealt extensively with the art of debate - conduct, rules of debate and more importantly, what constitutes a defeat in a debate. Gautama came up with 22 different types of debate which became a standard in India.