uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized How does Article 25 of Indian Constitution discriminate against Hindus? Article 25 comes under the “right to freedom of religion” which gives the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate any religion. But... by Adarsh February 27, 2023February 27, 2023
Uncategorized Is Punjab going ‘Kashmir Way’ ? There is no place on earth which is today safe for Hindus. Be it Bharat or any foreign country. Even Bharat, which is... by Adarsh November 5, 2022November 5, 2022
Uncategorized How Prabal Pratap Judev is giving a tough battle to Christian Missionaries single handedly ? Prabal Pratap Singh Judev, the son of Dilip Singh Judev is giving sleepless nights to Christian missionaries like his father. His father... by Adarsh October 21, 2022October 22, 2022
Uncategorized The never ending story of spilling blood of Hindus in Kashmir valley. Just three days after the death of a Kashmiri Pandit, two hindu labours who went there to work had to give their... by Adarsh October 18, 2022
Uncategorized ‘We are living in a state of fear’: 180 Hindu organizations write to UK PM Liz Truss post Leicester and Birmingham violence. There is no place on earth which is today safe for Hindus. Be it Bharat or any foreign country, the Abrahamic stick continues... by Adarsh October 17, 2022
Uncategorized Taslim, Shahrukh and Aabid took life of their taxi driver Vishal by hitting iron rod on his head. Now it’s not safe for taxi drivers to take muslims as passengers. Recently, a taxi driver named Vishal has been murdered on 19th... by Adarsh October 5, 2022October 5, 2022
Uncategorized With no place left for Hindus to hide their head, the community must build it’s street power to save Dharma. There is no place on earth which is today safe for Hindus. Be it Bharat or any foreign country, the Abrahamic stick continues... by Adarsh October 3, 2022
Satire After seeing the plight of Hindus, Coen brothers will now direct ‘No country for Hindu men’. After seeing the plight of Hindus, Coen brothers (Ethan Coen and Joel Coen) have decided to direct a movie whose name will... by Adarsh October 2, 2022
Uncategorized Indian-American Uber Eats delivery man stabbed multiple times in New York. Hate crimes against Hindus are on rise. It’s high time we accept the fact that Hinduphobia exists. Recently on 27th of September, Indian-American... by Adarsh October 1, 2022
Current Affairs Current Affairs Current Affairs Current Affairs Current Affairs Current Affairs Bangladesh and West Bengal is no different when it comes to crushing down the rights of Hindus. Bangladesh is an Islamic country and West Bengal is a state of Bharat, the land of Hindus but sadly there seems no difference... by Adarsh September 19, 2022