Tyranny of Digital Colonialism- Censoring Free Speech

Censoring of Right Wing Free Speech in America by neo-colonial BigTech Giants serves as a wake up call for Indian nationalists. Time for India to regulate these draconian Tech Giants and develop its own Tech Giants with Internet and Social Media Platforms.

How to tackle the Big Tech giants the India way

India is not the US. The Indian state has way more powers and it can theoretically ban these tech giants in one go if it wanted to. This threat of losing a market of over a billion users is a threat these tech giants cannot ignore. The Indian government has to realise their position of strength.

Need for an online hindu takeover to counter Liberal/leftist propaganda against hindus: How you can help and whom to suport

With the rapid digitization of India and everything moving to the internet. Internet has also become a new battleground of ideologies and narratives. On one hand we have Western-owned Liberal media companies that have mostly been working with an agenda to erase Hindu culture and label hindus as backward,illiterate people to the world. They have help of big bollywood celebrities of I