Virtual School

It has been about a month since I graduated from 8th grade into high school. It was very different since we spent around 3...

Did Zakir Naik fund Delhi Riots?

Did Zakir Naik also fund court cases and media coverage supporting Terrorists like Tahir Hussain, Safoora Jargar? Did Zakir Naik also Give money to...

Trump tweets another bomb against China

Upcoming elections, economy in doldrums, bad press led by Democrats baying for his blood and flustered Trump fires a salvo on Twitter – “China...

Ma – My First Guru

My every breath, my every strand of hair, my sinews, my every drop of blood, my every ability, my success, my life..

The Hindu Minorities of North East

This news is from the beautiful place called Shillong(the Scotland of the East) and for the mainlanders this might come as a surprise or...

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