why singapore city has ‘hindu’ name
singapure : which was turn derived from Sanskrit word for lion city in brahmi language simhapure simha means lion and pura means city lions of...
singapure : which was turn derived from Sanskrit word for lion city in brahmi language simhapure simha means lion and pura means city lions of...
A Journalist as a Fact-checker in IFCN certified agency NewscheckerIn
Do you know the happiest Country in the world? As per World Happiness Report, 2020, it is Finland. Which is the happiest city in...
Black Lives Matter: No two Opinions. All Lives Matter: No two opinions. All Lives including Black Lives Matter: No Two opinions. Should police be...
A global protest campaign was organised on Sunday 14 June 2020 , to protest the killing of Sarpanch Ajay Pandita in Kashmir and Islamic...
First ‘they’ pick on a Hindu voice, Kapil Mishra and then ‘they’ muddle the discourse in the name of Freedom of expression. ‘Activists’ are...
Upcoming elections, economy in doldrums, bad press led by Democrats baying for his blood and flustered Trump fires a salvo on Twitter – “China...
In this year 2020, the whole world is fighting with coronavirus at the same time our country India is fighting with the different enemies...
Jianli Yang, a former Chinese military official and son of a leader in the Chinese communist party, accepted that ‘More than 100 Chinese soldiers...
The title surely gives it away that I am going to discuss some orchestrated method which is being used to provoke people against Hindus,...