Book Review – Hindu History of Afghanistan – Hindu Shahi Dynasty. You purge History and enslave posterity. Apt summary of how today’s Afghanistan can...
The demand to ascertain the original construction of Red Fort through the scientific carbon dating process has been vociferously raised by intellectuals and Social...
Inspired by the Spiritual work of Great Shankara, Ramanuja and Swami Vivekananda, A group of 30 people founded Shiva Shakti Adhyatmika Chaithanya Vedika on the auspicious...
The animosity against Pashtun for Pakistan has historical reasons. Pakistan is a motley collection of Punjabi, Baloch and Sindhi native who are well aware...
Not unknown are the facts on illegal conversion by Missionaries through duping, luring, intimidating. The weaker section and tribal society have been the worst...
Time changed, names changed, memories faded and monuments were demolished. Yet traces can be knitted together to narrate the glorious history of the land...