Will the real uSA stand up please to the chinese bullying?

The US has lost its focus. It has attempted to observe decorum while China eats away its lunch; whether it is in stealing technological knowhow or decimating American agriculture or manufacturing or manipulating the Renminbi to give unfair advantage to Chinese exporters and businesses. The eagle has dissipated its energies and is trying to outsmart the cunning adversary. In the process, it has steadily lost its strength and advantage to a far more incisive enemy. The US attempted to challenge the usurper not on its own strengths but on its weakness, a surefire way to rapid evisceration. The dragon will outlast the eagle, if this continues.

No “Free” Trade for China?

Economic might eventually does turn into defense might. But war is a dead end to healthy economics with the World. Reports reveal that the...

When The tyrant Plays the victim in #Kashmir

Every sensation, every breath. To lose everything their child might hold special, every memory. With a trauma that one does not wish to imagine for one’s worst enemies. Each instant, a fist rising from nowhere and bloodying their face, with numbness and humiliation, with a laceration so deep only a Jesus or Buddha could heal. Even today, when Modi attempts to reverse those decades of betrayal, I do not see a sense of victory or euphoria in them. Who will recover them their home? Their childhood? Their trust in their people?