
Disclaimer-I abhor all crimes against women & rape is the most heinous of them-Rapists must be meted strictest & rapid punishment 1)Rapes happen all...

The True Hanumana

Hanumana is the Nara to the Narayana that Sri Rama is. Without Hanumana, Rama is unable to fulfil his mission on earth. He needs Hanumana as his partner, his general, his servant, his adorer and his guard. And Hanumana is the incarnation of the adoration free of desire, the psychic love that surrenders completely to the Lord, demanding nothing but the feet of the Beloved and the Ishtadeva.

सनसनीखेज: गिद्धों में आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस विकसित।

खबर हैरान करने और चौंकाने वाली है। जो लोग भारत में गिद्धों की प्रजाति लुप्त होने की वजह से चिंतित थे उनके लिए खुशखबरी।...


Lets look at Suffering. When we say Worry / Overthinking / Unnecessary Pain, someone is either “Suffering the FUTURE” or “Suffering the PAST” –...